Our Story

How it all started...

Lakeview Christian Church is a part of the American Restoration movement that occurred on the American frontier in the early 19th Century under the leadership of Thomas and Alexander Campbell, and Barton W. Stone who sought to restore New Testament Christianity without all the political baggage that was dividing the Church.

Lakeview, as a congregation, began in the 1970's when the Rosehill congregation moved to our current location. 

Expanding the vision...

The vision of Lakeview to reach our community with the Love of Christ enabled us to reach out to the Spanish Speaking in our Community with the inclusion of Iglesia Cristiana Lakeview in 2022.  With services in both English and Spanish along with a bilingual youth ministry, our ability to reach and influence our community for Christ.

Where we are headed...

As we trust in the direction and leading of the Holy Spirit, we will continue to focus on making disciples (baptizing and teaching about Jesus). It is our desire to be a multicultural/multiethnic congregation and to serve the Lake Ray Hubbard area of the DFW Metroplex.

Join us and see where God will lead!

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together  at 10:15am  (English) and 11:45 am (Espanol)